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الموضوع: Peppers and methods of cultivation

  1. #1

    • الصباح النجار غير متواجد حالياً
    • زراعي مميز

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2009

    Peppers and methods of cultivation

    الفلفل وطرق زراعته Peppers and methods of cultivation

    Planting dates
    :Lug early summer:

    seedling planted

    Sustainable in the ground in early March.

    Lug Savings:
    Seedling planted
    Sustainable in the ground during the months of April and May

    Lug indigo:
    Seedling planted
    Sustainable in the ground during the months of July and August

    Must be cultivated nursery prior to the transfer of the land sustainable
    About 1.5 - 2 months by sowing date and the most trustworthy.
    The amount of seeds
    Need feddan 150 - 200 g seeds of high vitality and purity
    Taken from a reliable source of it.
    And pepper seeds lose their vitality after two years of seed production.
    Agriculture Nursery

    Should not have been previously cultivated
    One of the family Solanaceae crops such as:
    Tomatoes - Potatoes - Peppers - Eggplant
    Enjoy the land of the nursery well and good that Bahart
    Until smooth and add super phosphate fertilizer only
    The rate of 150 kg / fadan

    Don't put any organic fertilizers for nursery and for the following reasons:
    1- Limited number of days that you take Seedling
    It is about 40 days on average.
    2- Requirement Seedling superphosphate only during growth
    So we get a firm and solid seedlings by the total radical
    Doubled in size of plant shoots
    Which helps to speed installation Seedling in soil
    The success of agriculture, thereby reducing the rate of absenteeism to the least extent possible.
    Processing of the nursery land for agriculture
    Land is divided into three types of
    (Clay - yellow - sand) and for each type of method of cultivation in the nursery.
    Clay soil
    1- After the addition of superphosphate fertilizer
    And tilling the soil creep is planning a rate of 14 line in the shins and irrigate with water.

    2- Leave the ground to plow the ground and gone on the back of the seed
    The lines in the lines so that
    Seedling in straight lines.

    3- Covering the seed light sand cover

    If not available sand mixture thereby acting

    Of sand: mud by 1: 1

    4- Irrigate the land on the protector after agriculture directly.

    And there is no way for the cultivation of nursery trays using.

    There are two types of trays of 84 eye and a second type 209 of an eye.


    Given the length of seedling survival in the nursery about 4 - 6 weeks

    Care must be here on recharge.

    Not appear until the symptoms of the lack of any element on the plants

    And thus can be obtained seedlings good disease-free

    Or a lack of elements

    By spraying once a week at least By nutritious and promoted full.

    Tempering operations

    This process is the most important operations on the seedling

    Since it caused the success or failure of seedling

    When the land transport development.

    And this process is not irrigation prior to the transfer of the Week

    At least, to give an opportunity for seedlings to store

    Carbohydrates, which leads to increased thickness of the leg.

    And greening leaves and penchant for the color green

    Dark as well as the large root to reach

    To the weak shoots.

    Seedling Tkulaia of agriculture in sustainable land

    Nursery sprayed with water before transport to the dismantling of the soil around

    Total root and help to keep

    The maximum quantity of seedling roots in order to deliver sustainable land.

    Leading to high success rate of seedling

    And reduce absenteeism to a minimum.

    Sustainable agriculture in the land

    Preparation of land for agriculture

    1 - must be the soil never planted any crop

    Of the family Solanaceae that any previous crop

    Be from one family leguminous crops

    Or Alqraeip and must follow the three-year cycle.

    2 - well-tilled land and tilling the ground again

    Rates of fertilizer per acre

    150 kg superphosphate calcium.

    100 kg potassium sulphate.

    50 kg ammonium sulfate.

    Also add organic fertilizer at a rate 20 - 30 m 3 of organic fertilizer

    Old Broken confuse these fertilizers well on a mattress plastic

    Then added to the soil and cultivating

    Second again.

    3 - Creeps good soil settlement

    Then plan a rate of 10 lines and irrigate with water.

    4 - left until plowing and then grown on the seedling badminton Marine

    In the presence of water, light

    The pressure on the root of the seedlings light pressure to install them in the soil.

    5 - Agriculture distances 25 - 30 cm between plants and some of them.

    Important Note
    You must soak the root of the total seedlings
    In the solution of a mixture of Fungicides
    Such as Deathin m 45 2.5 g + Bnlit 1.5 grams per liter of water
    To maintain the total root rot of seedlings from the soil


    Add fertilizer rates by hand next

    Plant and the rates of the following acres:

    1- after a month of transportation for sustainable land

    (200 kg ammonium sulfate).

    2- After two months of the transfer of sustainable land

    (150 kg calcium super phosphate) + 200 kg of ammonium sulfate.

    3- When flowering 60% - 80% of the cultivated area

    (Entered in the flowering) is added

    (200 kg ammonium sulfate, 50 kg potassium sulfate).

    Should take into account the following when you fertilization

    1- fertilizer is placed next to the plant.

    2- Irrigation after placing fertilizer directly.

    3- Not watering the soil water frequently even without crusts rot soil during the harvest.

    Add ammonium sulfate 50 kg / acre after each two weeks.

    Weed control in the yield of pepper

    Are serious pests of grass, which

    Cause a lot of losses for different crops

    Cultivated either by rival those

    Crops for water and materials.

    Food and light or the same place and the fact that

    Breadwinner for many

    Of fungal diseases and insect pests as well as

    The high cost of resistance, which

    To be with him to focus on ways to resist and eliminate

    Them and reduce the damage.

    And increase the problem of weeds in crops

    Vegetables due to the short life cycle and low

    Competitiveness of many

    Including a comparison of the competitiveness of grass.

    Hence the interest in combating excessive weeds in various ways.

    Pepper Diseases

    Infected pepper many of the diseases that produce

    By a significant loss in yield, both in quantity

    Or type in the cultivation of greenhouse crops, as well as

    Consequently, there is open and a negative impact on export

    And thus yield both for the farmer or the State.

    These diseases can be divided into:

    First: fungal diseases, such as.

    Soft rot

    The fall of the seedling

    Fusarium Wilt

    Powdery Mildew,

    Mosaic leaves,

    Alontheraknuz disease, gray mold, a disease

    Alascalerottiny mold or mildew White

    Second: Nematodes diseases such as: root-knot nematode

    Third: physiological diseases such as:

    Party syphilis rot, blight the sun

    The most important insect pests and animal species that infect pepper.

    Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa

    Agrotis ipsilon

    Liriomyze sp.

    Aphis gossypii-

    Cotton leaf worm and the worm green

    Manna and white Shrew

    , Paratettix sp

    Red Spider Urentis sentis

    Remember the following to produce a high yield of pepper

    Soak pepper seeds in running water for 12 hours before planting the nursery.

    Optimal germination period of five days.

    The period between planting and harvesting Seedling
    95 - 100 days according to the temperature during planting.
    Fertilizer needs of acres: 700 kg ammonium sulfate
    - 300 kg calcium super phosphate --
    250 kg potassium sulphate

    In the crop season into account the need

    Add the amount of 50 kg ammonium sulfate per acre

    Every 3 Jmat so as to maintain the qualities marketing

    Of the fruits of pepper as well as helping to raise the productivity per feddan to

    Twice the normal period which is about 6 Ashe

    HR while maintaining the size and shape of fruits for

    Marketing, raising farm income.

    Add organic fertilizer by Old Broken
    Agriculture and the amount of 30 m 3 / acre.
    Sprinkle fertilizer paper before the flowering and the contract.
    When spraying fertilizers paper in the case of lack of elements
    Take into account the rare not to be confused with pesticides

    Taken into account in the new lands, which tend to alkaline spray

    the fertilizer plant in paper or amino acids containing

    CalciumAlmakhlbi even

    You do not get fruit moth Rot by Venus at the summit.

    Leaving a period of 3 days between spraying pesticides, fertilizers, paper.
    When there is insect or pathological injury in the season gathering
    Take into account first, and then harvest spray after that.
    The use of criteria is set to calibrate pesticide
    Paper fertilizers

    Stir pesticides in water using a stick
    Or branch of a tree with no flipping by hand.
    Not spray pesticides or fertilizers paper when winds
    Or the expectation of rainfall

    Collect the fruits of pepper in the early morning dew volatility

    - And shall not be combined after rainfall or irrigation, because that leads

    To bulge the crust and the vulnerability of the excavation, the fruit rot.

    Gathering part of the neck in a smooth plastic tables

    And the time when confusing on a mattress in a clean place far from the sun.

    Screening and exclusion of infected fruit to keep the rest of the fruit.

    Gathering in the role of green marketing after the completion of

    Composition of fruits and their access to the appropriate size of the market.

    Before then the red color

    I hope that you like the report and make use of it.

    Translation and RAEVIEW

    Shalaby Said

    Al-Sabbah Al-Najjar

    الموضوع الأصلي: Peppers and methods of cultivation // الكاتب: الصباح النجار // المصدر: خير بلدنا الزراعي

    كلمات البحث

    راعي عام زراعه عامة .انتاج حيواني .صور زراعية .الصور الزراعية .هندسة زراعية.ارانب. ارنب.الارنب.خضر.خضار.خضر مكشوفة.محصول.محاصيل.المحاصيل.ابحاث زراعية.بحث زراعي.بحث مترجم.ترجمة بحثية.نباتات طبية.نباتات عطرية.تنسيق حدائق.ازهار .شتلات.افات.افة.الافة.حشرات.حشرة.افة حشريا.نيماتودا.الديدان الثعبانية.قمح.القمح.الشعير.الارز.ارز.اراضي طينية. اراضي رملية.برامج تسميد.استشارات زراعية .برامج مكافحة.امراض نبات .الامراض النباتية.مرض نباتي.فطريات .بكتيريا.كيمياء زراعية .الكيمياء الزراعيه.تغذية .التغذية.خضر مكشوفة.صوب زراعية.السمك.زراعه السمك.مشتل سمكي. زراعة الفيوم.مؤتمرات زراعية.مناقشات زراعية.التقنية.براتمج نت.برامج جوال.كوسة, خيار,طماطم.بندورة.موز.بطيخ؟خيار.صوب.عنكبوت.ديدان.بياض دقيقي.بياض زغبي.فطريا

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الصباح النجار ; 05-10-2009 الساعة 03:24 PM
    إن لم تروني يوما هنا فالتعلموا اني قد رحلت فاتمني أن تكون القلوب صافية والنفوس عني راضية
    بالاخوة قابلتكم وبها اودعكم .
    ساحترف السباحة بامواج الجليد أملي فقط ان يتجمد احساسي.

    وساحترف ايضا الرقص بوسط ألسنة اللهيب
    واملي فقط ان تحترق ذكرياتي. فآسف لكل القلوب التي يوما ما ادميتها

  2. #2

    • زهرة الحياة غير متواجد حالياً
    • بنت البلد

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اااااااااااه ياني

    الانجليزي ورايا ورايا ... والله حرام انا خلاص عيني اتبرمجت على الانجليزي

    طيب فين الترجمه لتعم الفائدة لكبر شريحه من الزوار الكرام

    هوا مكتوب انه فيه ترانزليت ولكن وير از ات ؟؟ اي دونت نو ؟؟

    حلو الانجليزي بتاعي ...

    الفكرة جميلة جدا جدا ولكن الاجمل ان يكون هناك ترجمه والوصول لأبحاث تطبيقية في جميع المجالات خاضة التغذية والمكافحة

    بارك الله فيك اخي الصباح النجار ... دمت بهذا التميز

    تقبل تقديري


    لكل من يقرأ لي موضوعا زراعيا
    ماأكتب هو حصيلة قراءاتي وحصيلة الاستناد لمراجع علمية لأساتذتي الكبار في جامعات مختلفة واضع لكم المعلومة في صورة سهلة التناول
    مع الاحتفاظ بوافر التقدير لأصحاب المراجع

  3. #3

    • الصباح النجار غير متواجد حالياً
    • زراعي مميز

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2009


    (my dear zahra(Flower of life
    many thanks for your comment about this subject .
    we will translate it after 3 day because we want to know if this idea good or not
    so don't worry my darling .
    you will read it by arabic language soon
    Al-Sabbah Al-Najjar
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الصباح النجار ; 05-10-2009 الساعة 09:29 AM
    إن لم تروني يوما هنا فالتعلموا اني قد رحلت فاتمني أن تكون القلوب صافية والنفوس عني راضية
    بالاخوة قابلتكم وبها اودعكم .
    ساحترف السباحة بامواج الجليد أملي فقط ان يتجمد احساسي.

    وساحترف ايضا الرقص بوسط ألسنة اللهيب
    واملي فقط ان تحترق ذكرياتي. فآسف لكل القلوب التي يوما ما ادميتها

  4. #4

    • م/ إيهاب عبد المؤمن غير متواجد حالياً
    • أبو حازم

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    إذا كنت رديت بالإنجليزي علي زهرة ووعدت بعد 3 أيام ياأخ الصباح

    ولا 3 أيام بالإنجليزي غيري 3 أيام بالعربي

    عامة فاضل 20 يوم وال 3 أيام تكمل سنة

    يارب استرها

    نتمني أخي الصباح جعل العمل معربا للشريحة العربية التي تشاهده مع ترك نسخة منه بالإنجليزية إن أحببت

    اللهم اجعله عملا خالصا لوجهك الكريم
    دعاء تفريج الكرب

    لا إله إلا الله الحليم العظيم لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم

    لا إله إلا الله رب السموات السبع ورب الأرض ورب العرش

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