Cultivation and production of tomatoes in plastic houses:

Tomato crop is grown in abundance in greenhouses and to the availability of varieties suitable for cultivation and popularity of this crop. Plant tomatoes in the house are heated in the autumn and spring seasons, as well as within the homes of the fireplace.

Prepare the land for cultivation

Add to all plastic House of 14.5 kg / m 2 of the manure is then carried out the process of sterilization of the house, and sterilization can be either chemically mediated Alfabam (Vapam) at a rate of 1-2 liters per 10 m 2 of soil and must wait a period of at least 3 weeks after treatment until the date of Agriculture, or by methyl Methyl Bromide, a rate of 50-100 g / m 2 and can be of Agriculture after 48 hours of treatment by the soil. Or through water vapor, then the process of being deep plowing of the soil
Then tossing compost basic fonts only and dual-mixed soil, and is preparing the ground wire of Agriculture.


Seedlings are ready for planting when the first cluster of syphilis or a length of 15 cm, agriculture is the work of seedlings per hole depth of 10 cm and placed the seedling and covered with soil and shall be Filkitan papers over the soil surface. The distance between the seedling and the other 35 cm, where taking into account that the number of plants per square meter 3 plants.

Under water for plants after agriculture directly relates to the date of transplanting mention several factors, including:
- The type of agriculture - a space heater or fireplace
- The prevailing weather and the dates of frost
- The movement of prices in the market

In the home can be heated at a time of transplanting is desirable in this case are often dependent long-term agriculture (sowing begins in the fall and remain until next summer).

Pre-plant fertilization are the basic lines of Agriculture assigned the following:
12 kg ammonium nitrate
18 kg triple superphosphate
24 kg potassium sulfate
As for fertilization after agriculture (fertilizer periodically) after being the first open flower, usually after the / 15-20 / day from agriculture and vary the amount of fertilizer depending on temperature, according to the length of the optical When temperature rise less than the quantity of fertilizer used for the length of time lights. The following is the process of fertilization periodic crop Abanndrop (quantities are calculated on the basis of the house area 400 m 2).
- After 15 days from transplanting, add the amount of fertilizer the following:
1 kg of ammonium nitrate
1 kg superphosphate
4 kg potassium sulfate
2 kg magnesium sulfate
- Once every 15 days or every week in sandy soil the same amount earlier.
- Two months after transplanting increased the quantity to read as follows (and once every two weeks):
1.5 kg of ammonium nitrate
2 kg superphosphate
6 kg potassium sulfate
4 kg magnesium sulfate

The lack of tomatoes may be involved in the elements Deficiency - Carance such as:

Lack of nitrogen: comes in light green leaves, addresses the addition of 100 units N in ammonium nitrate.

Phosphorus NG sal: coloring sheets (face bottom) purple, addresses adding phosphate soluble (ammonium phosphate).

Lack of potassium: the paperwork shows a green light, and then color the edges brown spots Baltzmid treated with 100 units per hectare fertilizer K2O note that the lack of potash increases in dry soil.

Magnesium deficiency: Yellowing of leaves (between veins) and the minimum thickness, addresses spray magnesium sulphate.

Lack of boron: Securities Matturdp, wrinkled and distorted fruit, fall floral buds, roots twisted handles spray borax solution and avoid the high acidity of the soil PH.

Wrapping papers: due to thirst and pruning unjust.

Tomatoes bear relatively low temperature, the temperature is 21 ° C is optimal to germinate, and that the degree of 16-18 ° C at night is optimal for growth, and the degree of 19-24 ° C is optimum for growth during the day, the important thing is lack of access to the freezing point of sap in the cell is 5 p.m. ° and access to such a degree lead to rupture of tissue becomes weak and easy to plant disease.
As a sign of low temperature on the plant is colored leaves in red.

The excess moisture more than 80% in the White PVC is not only devastating factor of the structure of the metal from inside the house, but is also an encouraging factor for the spread of fungal diseases, mainly: the gray mold called Botrytis Putrits that appears on the stem, leaves and fruit.

Ventilation is also to get rid of hot air when the temperature rises inside the house for the requisite degree, it is known that the tomato crop contract becomes slightly if the temperature reached 30 ° C or lower than 12 o'clock because of the death of the pollen.

At the beginning of agriculture, irrigation be mediated by the cup, then carried by the irrigation pipe network Installations. The plants help to deprive the early maturity of the crop, but excess Altattiyc working on fall flowers, and the low proportion of the contract, as well as lead to a reduction in the amount of fruit juice, as the plant needs water when it is obtained from the fruit, if not available in the soil.
Some experiments have shown that tomato plants need water to grow strongly from the beginning of the second lime blossom, and that irrigation is abundant and frequently at this stage to encourage fall flowering.
And identifies some of the references need plant per day at 2 liters per day in the process of flowering and the total is 130 liters of water per plant in the chapter and protected agriculture plant requires 75 liters of water, between the period of transplanting and maturity of the fruits of the first Nora. The air temperature affect the rate of transpiration Evaporation and the high soil temperatures from 12-15 ° C, doubling the speed of absorption of the roots of the water three times, while the lifting of 15 ° C to 30 m does not exceed this speed by only 30%. The lack of soil moisture affect the fruit size and lack of moisture leads to increased salt concentration, and it seems that light irrigation at frequent intervals is preferred for the organization of plant nutrition water.
The need for tomatoes in greenhouses to suit the irrigation water with the surface of the paper plant and weather conditions.
The need for the crop to the water loss of water in a manner equivalent to transpiration and evaporation from plants and soil to the amount of water is relatively small within the composition.
The need for water to be similar between the houses Polyethylene plastic-covered greenhouses and the plastic cover when it is new, solely, and are lower for houses covered with cover-type poly vinyl chloride for PVC and Polyethylene double PE.

Plant breeding and manicured grass:

Tomato plants grown on the threads and wrap the thread around the leg and spiral in one direction passing through the spaces between the contract.
The pruning Veetm remove all side growth that appears Abat, respectively, in the papers, and the best time to remove them is in the first phase of its growth since the left side of the cultures up to a large size where a significant loss of yield as well as to trim thick cultures lead to wounds caused to plants and increases the risk infected with fungal diseases.
Are also being removed and the lower leaves in contact with the soil so as to reduce the spread of diseases and access to well ventilated.

Improve the proportion of the contract:
When environmental conditions are not suitable if the days are shorter or the optical density in a few greenhouses, or the weather will be cool in the homes are not heated, the holding of the fruit is a little bit. In order to improve industrial holding fruit can be used the following methods:
Ventilation to reduce humidity and avoid high temperature has risen significantly and can help the airflow on the transfer of pollen.
Implementation of the service is good, especially in fertilization.
The use of mechanical means (shaking).
That shaking Alnurat floral helps to increase the transmission or spread of pollen and facilitates the liberation and thus encourage the dispersal of pollen on Almiasm. This can be achieved in one of the shaking of the following methods:
Mediated by an electric vibrator Vibreur.

Mediation rocking antenna (spraying or fogging a bump)
Hand-shaking beat mediated by a small stick on the thread or comment on a stand the light.
The use of certain materials, such as growth (Barakruvennoxi Acetic acid) concentration of 30 ppm.
Beta Navoudi acid with the same concentration before.
Brukabil rate of 5-10 cm 3 / liter of water.
And these materials can be sprayed brokered a small hand sprayer or through Ayrosol with attention to the application leads to the bad fruits of non-homogeneous and flowers should be sprayed only and avoid spraying leaves and buds Aalghemip particular, to not apply this treatment in hot weather or cold a lot.
Fungal diseases and insects that infect tomatoes and methods of control:
Begin the implementation of prevention when the papers make the first real one-week workshop with the use of half the normal dose because seedlings tender and sensitive to the high concentration of material control, after transplanting, also continues to preventive spraying pesticides and fungicides at a workshop once a week.
Barakru phenoxy Acetic Acid, and do not use pesticides only when you see the injury, the Yemen and add the items with most of the rare materials control.

Al-Sabbah Al-Najjar

Shalaby Saaid

كلمات البحث

راعي عام زراعه عامة .انتاج حيواني .صور زراعية .الصور الزراعية .هندسة زراعية.ارانب. ارنب.الارنب.خضر.خضار.خضر مكشوفة.محصول.محاصيل.المحاصيل.ابحاث زراعية.بحث زراعي.بحث مترجم.ترجمة بحثية.نباتات طبية.نباتات عطرية.تنسيق حدائق.ازهار .شتلات.افات.افة.الافة.حشرات.حشرة.افة حشريا.نيماتودا.الديدان الثعبانية.قمح.القمح.الشعير.الارز.ارز.اراضي طينية. اراضي رملية.برامج تسميد.استشارات زراعية .برامج مكافحة.امراض نبات .الامراض النباتية.مرض نباتي.فطريات .بكتيريا.كيمياء زراعية .الكيمياء الزراعيه.تغذية .التغذية.خضر مكشوفة.صوب زراعية.السمك.زراعه السمك.مشتل سمكي. زراعة الفيوم.مؤتمرات زراعية.مناقشات زراعية.التقنية.براتمج نت.برامج جوال.كوسة, خيار,طماطم.بندورة.موز.بطيخ؟خيار.صوب.عنكبوت.ديدان.بياض دقيقي.بياض زغبي.فطريا