Plant diseases

Plant diseases are important problems that correspond to rights in the struggle to provide food and clothing. And he told us history of some diseases that were prevalent in ancient times, as recorded for our views of the ancient thinkers on the nature of these diseases and their causes.
I think that our ancestors are being exposed to the plant problems are a punishment from the gods to them on their sins, and I have mentioned in the Torah of Plant Pathology, and believed that what was mentioned in "Al-Yousef" for the seven lean years that it arose from injury grain disease.
M Oristo - Greek philosopher months (1384-1222 BC). Diseases, figs, olives and grapes, and in 300 BC. M Theofrasts published - and it is a botanist or in writing "The History of Plant" diseases of grapes and figs, and diseases of cereals and explained that it was severe in Greece, in particular, echoes of cereal crops. The ancient Greeks attributed the emergence of plant diseases, the reasons for astronomical or to the atmosphere and soil is not appropriate or to anger the gods.
The ancient Romans suffered a lot of wheat rusts, and thought that this was due to the wrath of only e Robigus rust on them, his celebrations were held in April of each year and offer him sacrifices of dogs, sheep red to protect their crops from damage echoes.
Because delays in the processing microbes in general to the theory of self-reproduction Spontanious generation, which was prevalent in ancient times. This has a firm belief in this theory to the delayed study of this science, so as to enable the world to Louis Pasteur in 1860 to prove this theory wrong, and showed that micro-organisms to multiply and give other organisms similar to it.
The world is German doctor and Anton de Bary (1831-1888) is the origin of Plant Pathology, where he could clarify the intrusion in the first of fungi known to cause late blight in potatoes which has decimated the crop in the north-west Europe from 1835-18845 AD The of the massive famine in Ireland and knew substantiated that Phytophthora infestans. The student of his hands a large number of workers the plant disease, has gained prominence and have developed and discovered a lot of diseases and their causes.

Given the importance of disease in potatoes seminar late in human history and the important role played by the environmental conditions in the spread, it will shed light on how it started and how the disaster spread after consolidating the cultivation of potato in north-western Europe and became the staple food for their peoples, with increased yield and abundance because of the lack of the causative organism, which was spread on the cultivation of potatoes in South America. The disease appeared at one time in the United States and Europe (1842-1843 AD) and is likely that he has moved them from Peru, beginning in 1840. In 1844 recorded the disease in the Blijka and France (Lille), and England and Ireland. However, the dry summer this year did not give him a chance to spread. In the years 1845-1846 began the tragic era in the life of the peoples of the north-western Europe, in mid-July 1845 hit by the potato in Finland and neighboring parts of France, Germany and Belgium newspapers published articles about the summer the new potato disease. After the disease has spread to Luxembourg and along the rivers Rhone and Rhine moved to Sweden, and in mid-August the disease has emerged around Paris. To demonstrate what he did to the disease in the lives of the people of Ireland that, with the beginning of the spread had a population of 8 million people, and in 1851 the arrival of the population to 2 million people.
Source Plant Health Forum
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Al-Sabbah Al-Najjar

الموضوع الأصلي: Plant Diseases // الكاتب: الصباح النجار // المصدر: خير بلدنا الزراعي

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راعي عام زراعه عامة .انتاج حيواني .صور زراعية .الصور الزراعية .هندسة زراعية.ارانب. ارنب.الارنب.خضر.خضار.خضر مكشوفة.محصول.محاصيل.المحاصيل.ابحاث زراعية.بحث زراعي.بحث مترجم.ترجمة بحثية.نباتات طبية.نباتات عطرية.تنسيق حدائق.ازهار .شتلات.افات.افة.الافة.حشرات.حشرة.افة حشريا.نيماتودا.الديدان الثعبانية.قمح.القمح.الشعير.الارز.ارز.اراضي طينية. اراضي رملية.برامج تسميد.استشارات زراعية .برامج مكافحة.امراض نبات .الامراض النباتية.مرض نباتي.فطريات .بكتيريا.كيمياء زراعية .الكيمياء الزراعيه.تغذية .التغذية.خضر مكشوفة.صوب زراعية.السمك.زراعه السمك.مشتل سمكي. زراعة الفيوم.مؤتمرات زراعية.مناقشات زراعية.التقنية.براتمج نت.برامج جوال.كوسة, خيار,طماطم.بندورة.موز.بطيخ؟خيار.صوب.عنكبوت.ديدان.بياض دقيقي.بياض زغبي.فطريا