The gameplay was so smooth and it was so much fun to play. The graphics were ok for the time but a bit dated by the time I got to play it. I just recently found it for download for PC and it's still just as fun as I remembered, and just as fluent as I remembered as well. The graphics are certainly better than its playstation brother, the d3d support patch added to improve the graphics even more. They are still outdated though, but that's not the whole point.
I now come to the weapons, there are a few innovative weapons that are a lot of fun to use, like the “world's smallest nuclear explosion”. There is a sniper mode as well as the third-person mode, and throughout the game you'll need to switch between the two in order to progress. There are a number of different bullet types for sniper mode, and you can get a super chaingun enhancement for your normal machinegun that lasts for 400 bullets.
The level designs vary wildly enough for you to differentiate between levels. Although there is some usage of the same textures in the different levels, and the lighting can leave a lot to be desired. Before you enter each level, there is a freefall sequence where you have to try and avoid the radar beam and missiles, I personally don't like this as I generally want to get straight into the action. You can use a controller/joystick and you can get a patch to add force feedback support but I couldn't get either of the 2 options working as my controller isn't supported. Overall, I think this game warrants a 4 as the small problems hinder it a bit.

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